Welcome to our user guide for purchase invoices on Capium 365! This guide will walk you through the essential steps and best practices to ensure a smooth setup and successful deployment.


How to add receipts into Capium 365

Navigation: Capium 365 > Manage > Click “Clients” in the top left Corner > Find the client you want to add receipts for > If the 365 status is active click on the right hand side > Go to 365 > Click the “Receipts tab” > Click “+ Upload Purchase Invoices” > You will be taken to a tab where you can either upload or drag and drop purchase invoices

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You Can upload up to 50 receipts at one time, the restriction is based on the upload rate. As soon as you have uploaded 50, you can upload 50 more.

How to view the receipt once it has been uploaded

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Find the receipt you want to view >  Click the picture icon on the left-hand side of the row < OR > Click the 3 dots on the right-hand side of the receipt > Click Preview


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How to download the receipt 

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Find the receipt you want to Download > click the picture icon on the left hand side of the row > Click the download icon

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Click here to go directly to the receipt page


Editing Receipts 

Please note that that receipts can not be edited if they have been approved, rejected or published.

Editing Receipts one at a time

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Find the receipt you want to edit > Either click “Review Manually” on the right hand side of the receipt > OR click the pencil icon when you move your mouse to the right hand side of the screen > Edit the details > Click “Save and Exit”

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Bulk Editing Purchase Invoices 

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Click the check box on the left side of the purchase invoices you want to edit > Click “Bulk Edit” on the bottom of the screen > Here you can change the “Supplier”, the  “VAT Rate” and the “Account Name” > Once you have changed everything click “Save”

Please note that you cannot edit purchase invoices which have been approved or published

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Click here to go directly to the receipt page


Explaining the different status of receipts in Capium 365

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Check the right-hand side of the purchase invoices

In Capium 365 there are different statuses of receipts, they each indicate the stage of the receipt and what action needs to be taken. 

  • Processing – the purchase invoice has been uploaded into Capium, and it is reading it.
  • Processing (Manual Review) – The system cannot pick out the key information of “Supplier”, “Date”, “Net”, “VAT” and Total Fields. You will have to go into this to manually review and add these fields in
  • Review – The system has been able to pick up “Supplier”, “Date”, “Net”, “VAT” and “Total Fields”, but not the individual line items are not matching the “Total Net”
  • Success – The system can pick up “Supplier”, “Date”, “Net”, “VAT” and “Total Fields”. The individual line items also match the total net at the bottom, everything is correct.


Approving and unapproving receipts 

Approving Receipts 

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Find the purchase invoice that you want to approve > Click on the thumbs up icon > Click “Yes” > This will approve the purchase invoice

  • For unregistered VAT clients approved purchase invoices can be linked to transactions in books
  • For registered VAT clients, approved receipts can be published into bookkeeping

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Click here to go directly to the receipt page

Withdrawing Approval 

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Find the purchase invoice that you want to withdraw approval from > Click the thumbs up icon > Click “Yes” > Once approval has been withdrawn from a purchase invoice, you can edit it again


How to reject receipts 

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Find the purchase invoice that you want to reject > On the right-hand side, click the thumbs down icon > Click “Yes” > The purchase invoice will then be marked as rejected.

The thumbs down icon should then appear filled in with colour to show it has been successfully marked as rejected.

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How to withdraw a rejection mark from a receipt 

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Find the purchase invoice that you want to withdraw the rejection mark from > On the right-hand side, click the thumbs down icon > Click “Yes”


How to find Duplicates purchase invoices

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Check under Receipts in the right hand side for a D in a circle > If you click the D and it is not a duplicate > You can “Process the Duplicate receipt” > This will turn it into a regular receipt.

Please see on the bottom line the Duplicate receipt 

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Click here to go directly to go to the receipt page


How to Publish Receipts 

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Find the receipt you want to publish > Approve the receipt > Click the “Publish” Icon under the column “Is Published” > Click “Proceed

Please note that you can only published receipts into bookkeeping if it is a VAT registered client.

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To edit a receipt once it has been published, you would need to unpublish the transaction


How to archive purchase invoices

Navigation: Capium 365 > Find the purchase invoice you want to Archive > On the right-hand side click the archive icon > Click “yes” > You should see the status change to archived

Archiving purchase invoices is a status change for it, it freezes the receipt and stores it.

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How to delete purchase invoices

Navigation: Capium 365 > Receipts > Find the purchase invoice you want to delete > On the right-hand side click the bin icon > Click “yes”

Please note that you cannot delete receipts which have been approved, published or archived

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Click here to go directly to go to the receipt page