Welcome to our Onboarding Guide for Capium 365! This guide will walk you through the essential steps and best practices to ensure a smooth setup and successful deployment.


How To Purchase Licences

Navigation: MyAdmin > Click Subscription > Capium 365 > Select how many you would like to purchase > Click “Go to cart” > Fill out payment details and make payment

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Click here to go to the 365 license purchase page

Alternatively, you can call us on 020 8038 8573 and dial for the sales line to speak with us directly regarding the purchase of licences.


Client Portal

There are 3 sections to the client portal, these are:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Documents
  3. Manage


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The Dashboard gives an overview of your practice, it shows you:

  • A breakdown of your licences 
  • Document request breakdown 
  • A list of your overdue document requests 


Document request are notifications which are sent to your client requiring them to return some documentation. This tab allows you to send document requests and return them. Please click here to learn more about documents.[TS2]  In this section you can:

  • View the requests which have been returned
  • Add Document requests by clicking “+ Request”
  • View stored documents in the documents tab


In the manage section there are 4 sections. These are:

  • Clients – Allows you to view all your clients, add clients and go to 365 within them
  • Users – Allows you to view the users within your practice, add users and manage the users within your practice.
  • Imports – You can import clients, users and templates from this section. Please see below on how to do this.
  • Permissions – Allows you to customise what different levels of user access can complete


Adding Clients 

There are 3 ways you can bring clients into Capium 365:

  1. Importing from other modules
  2. Using a CSV file
  3. Adding in clients one by one

Importing from other modules

Navigation: Capium 365 > Imports > Click “Clients” > “Click Next” > Select the module where you want to import the clients from > [TS3] 


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Click here to go directly go to the Capium 365 import page.


Importing clients in using CSV file

Navigation: Capium 365 > Imports > Click “Clients” > Click “Next” > Download the sample CSV file > Fill out the CSV file > Once it has been updated drag and drop the file into the area > Click Next > Check through the list and hit save

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Click here to go to the CSV import page


Adding clients one at a time

Navigation: Capium 365 > Manage > Clients > Click “+ Client” > Fill out the client details and mandatory fields > Click “Save and Exit” > This will add the client to the system

Click here to take you to the add client page   


Inviting Clients into Capium 365

Navigation: Capium 365 > Manage > Clients > Find the client you want to add > Under 365 status, click “Invite” > The client will then receive an invitation asking them to join Capium 365 > Once they accept, the 365 status will change to “Active”

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Click here to go directly to the manage page


Adding Users 

There are three ways you can add users into 365:

  1. Users will automatically import from MyAdmin
  2. Using a CSV file
  3. Adding in users one by one

Using a CSV file 

Navigation: Capium 365 > Manage > Imports > Select “Users” > Click “Next” > Download the CSV file > Fill out the details > Upload back into Capium > Select Next > Review the data > Select “Save and Exit”

A screenshot of a computer

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Click here to go directly to the user import page


Adding Clients One at a Time

Navigation: Capium 365 > Manage > Click “+ User” > Fill out at minimum the mandatory fields and any other data required > Click “Save and Invite to 365” > The User should be saved and invited into 365.

A screenshot of a computer

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Click here to go directly to the Single user add page 


Changing Permissions for Users

Within Capium 365 you have the option to customize the permissions of users.

Customising the levels of permissions

Navigation: Capium 365 > Manage > Permissions > Customise and change the level of permissions by clicking the dots > Click “Save and Exit” when you are done

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Click here to go directly to the permissions page


Changing the permissions of users

Navigation: Capium 365 > Manage > Users > Click into the User ID > Scroll down and change the permission level > Click “Save and Exit”

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Click here to go directly to edit the permission level



 [TS1]Im really not sure how to do this section, I have completed this but not sure it flows or is correctly formatted

 [TS2]I was thinking about just putting a link here to the documents guide rather than explaining it all here

 [TS3]This is going to be updated in the next update, so it is not completed