Welcome to our Guide for Documents in Capium 365! This guide will walk you through essential initial steps, best practices and key features within Documents.


How to find document requests

  1. Click on the three dashes in the top right-hand corner of the screen
  2. Navigate to the “Documents” Tab
  3. Select “Requests”



Capium 365 offers two different folders:

  1. General – Folder for your personal use
  2. Shared with me – Shared folder between you and your accountant

You can create new folders for your personal use: To do this, you need to:


  1. Click on the three dashes in the top right-hand corner of the screen
  2. Navigate to the “Documents” Tab
  3. Select “Drive”
  4. Click the “+” in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
  5. Select the “Folder +” icon in the bottom right-left hand corner of the screen
  6. Type in the fo


You can star folders which will be shown in the drive and the starred tab.


How to upload documents

  1. Navigate to the “Documents” Tab
  2. Select “Drive”
  3. Select the folder
  4. Select the add icon
  5. Select the file icon to upload the file


You can export folders. To do this you need to:


  1. Navigate to the “Documents” Tab
  2. Select “Drive”
  3. Select the three dots in the right-hand corner
  4. Select between Excel, CSV or PDF Format


How to delete a file

  1. Navigate to the “Documents” tab
  2. Select “Drive”
  3. Select the folder
  4. Select the three dots on the right-hand side
  5. Select “Delete”


The deleted files can be found in the “Trash” section where they will remain for 30 days.

You can restore deleted files. To do this, you need to:


  1. Navigate to the “Documents” Tab
  2. Select the trash icon in the left panel
  3. Select the three dots on the right-hand side
  4. Select “Restore”


The document will be restored to its original folder.