To register a new company at Companies House through the software go to:

Select all… > Formations > Form a new Company

Select between:

- Form a company with your own officers and shareholders (or guarantee / LLP members)

- Form a company with BTCSoftware nominees

Click Next and select what type of company you would like to create (Company limited by


Company limited by guarantee or LLP).

Click Next and fill out all of the relevant information (you can click Save for Later at any point

and the software will save you progress, to open a saved formation simply go to the formation

page and select the formation you want to continue working on).

After all of the information has been filled in click Next Person of Significant Control.

From here you have the option to register any PSC for the company you are about to form. You

also have the option to turn of PSC automation however we highly recommend that you leave

the automation on. After you have registered any PSC (if any) you can click Submit Formation

The company will be formed via FCLS ( they will also create the minutes,

the articles of association and certificate of incorporation and once they have formed it they will

put the company on to the software ready for you to service your client, and the documents will

be saved on your cloud library in Documents > Cloud Library

If you have any questions with regards to the formation, or articles or any questions with regards

to the shares or anything to do with the setting up of the company from the legal or corporate

side you can contact our legal partner FCLS and they will be happy to help you. ( )

To form a limited company at a standard price of £40 per formation, which includes the

Companies House Fee.