Welcome to your 1st stage of onboarding! This guide will walk you through getting started with 'MyAdmin' and Practice Management. It will walk you through the essential steps and best practices to ensure a smooth setup and successful deployment.
Navigation: MyAdmin > My Firm
When you start working on Capium for the first time it's important to complete the mandatory information within the Firm Details section.
This includes:
- Client ID
- Practice name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Address
- Business start date
- Book start date
- Registration number
- UTR number
- VAT scheme details
- Account Office Reference Number
- PAYE Reference Number
- Company Logo
- Favicon
You can edit this by selecting the pencil icon on the top of the 'My Firm Details' section.
Navigation: My Admin > My Firm > Agent Credentials
To add Agent Credentials, follow these steps:
Select the 3 dots under status section
Select 'Edit'
Populate the agent credentials
Select ‘Save’
For each section, ensure you provide the following details:
Agent ID
User ID
Contact Name
Company Name
Adding Clients
Navigation: My Admin > Clients
To add clients, you have two options:
Click on 'New Client' to create clients individually.
Use 'Import Clients' to create clients in bulk by utilising the provided template CSV file.
To receive a data sheet with validations please contact your onboarding manager/ cst@capium.com
For each client, ensure you provide the following details:
Client ID (All)
Client Type (All)
Name (All)
Business Start Date (All excluding Individual)
Book Start Date (All excluding Individual)
Year End (All excluding Individual)
Registration Number (Limited, LLP)
UTR Number (All)
Account office Ref.no (All excluding Individual)
PAYE Ref. no (All excluding Individual)
NI Number (Individual & Sole Trader)
VAT information*
Method 1: Manually
Method 2: Import using CSV
Common issues preventing the client bulk upload:
Only for individuals and sole traders include a Date of Birth and National Insurance information.
Exclude special characters in the CSV file.
Ensure that there is no duplicate client ID.
Ensure that there are no line breaks.
Ensure that there is no change in headings, even if you leave some of the fields blank in the CSV file.
Ensure the Date of Birth, Business Start Date and Book Start Date are all in the right format as (dd/mm/yyyy).
Ensure that the Business Start Date is set before the Book Start Date.
Ensure that the Accounts Office Reference (13 characters) and PAYE Ref. Numbers (e.g. 123/ABCD121) contain correct lengths.
If the company is VAT registered, additional VAT-related fields must be checked*:
VAT Scheme
VAT Submit Type
VAT Registration Number
(If the company is not VAT registered then type 'Non-VAT Registered')VAT Registration Date
Adding Contacts
Navigation: My Admin > Contacts
To add contacts, you have two options:
Click on 'New Contact' to create contacts individually.
Use 'Import Contacts' to create contacts in bulk by utilising the provided template CSV file.
For each contact, ensure you provide the following details:
Method 1: Manually
Method 2: Import using CSV
Common issues preventing the contact bulk upload:
Ensure that Prefix is included.
Ensure that First Name and Last Name are included.
Ensure that Type Heading is one of the following (Other, Client, Lead, Supplier, Staff, Accountant).
Linking Clients and Contacts
Navigation: My Admin > Clients > Client Specific > Contact Links
To link clients and contacts, you have two options:
Click on ‘Add Contact Link’ to link contacts individually.
Use the ‘Bulk Contacts’ option to assign contacts in bulk.
For each manual contact link, you are required to click on the ‘Add Contact Link’ option, then select Contact Type, select relevant contact from the drop-down menu ‘Select Contact’ and save to apply the changes.
Method 1: Individually
Method 2: In Bulk
Adding Users
Navigation: My Admin > Users
To add users, you have two options:
Click on ‘New User’ to create users individually.
Use 'Import Users' to create users in bulk by utilising the provided template CSV file.
For each user, ensure you provide the following details:
User Type
Once it has been done, you are required to assign company/companies and save a result.
The users can be assigned as:
- Accountant
- Client:
- Staff:
Method 1: Manually
Method 2: Import using CSV
Requesting Backup
Navigation: My Admin > Request Backup
To request backup, you are required to click on the ‘Request’ option, then provide a description, select the relevant request option between ‘Selected Clients’ and ‘All Clients’ and save to request a backup.
AML Option
Navigation: My Admin > AML
To add an AML option to your account, you are required to sign up with ‘Veriphy’, populating relevant information. Once it has been done and confirmed by the Veriphy Team, it will be available for you to perform AML checks.
By selecting 'Perform Check' you will be able to conduct the following checks:
- AML Check £3
- Credit Check £2
- International ID Check £2
- Company Check £6
(All prices excluding VAT)
Setting Up Practice Management Services
Navigation: Practice Management > Settings > Services
This involves clearly defining the services you offer, setting up the manager responsible for those services, setting a standard fee, estimated hours & custom reminders.
You have the choice of using the default services which will already be included for you & even customise the information (service info, tasks, reminders) for these services by simply clicking the name of the service.
Custom Services
Navigation: Practice Management > Settings > Add Custom Service
Enter the service title, the frequency of service, estimated fee & service manager who will be in charge of that particular service. (Or choose to leave the service manager blank, if you have multiple staff members working on a service and to avoid too many notifications. This is the recommended option).
Choose the client type that you want the service applicable. For eg. is it specifically just for limited companies, or a variety of client types which you can tick.
Configuring Steps:
Navigation: Practice Management > Settings > Add custom service > Configure steps
This refers to creating all of the necessary steps, which need to be completed before that custom service you just created can be completed. These steps will then automatically flow through under the workspace >>> Tasks.
You can create as many steps as you require and click ‘Next’ when ready for the final step. Please create them in sequential order.
Configure Reminders
Navigation: Practice Management > Settings > Add custom service > Configure reminders
The final step is to configure reminders, which refer to custom reminders that can be created and sent out to notify both staff members and clients of an approaching deadline.
Once you click the ‘configure reminders’ tab, as shown above you will then be able to remind either your staff and/or clients.
For example, if you only want to remind your clients but not staff then please select the relevant clients under the drop down menu. But if you want to remind staff too, then you can use the staff filter to select any relevant staff.
You can create as many reminders as you need for a service, the aim is to customise the flow to completely suit your needs. Eg. You can create a deadline 3 months prior, 1 month prior and then 1 day prior.
The reminders will be sent via email. (You can see the template type or choose to create your own email reminders in Settings > Email templates).
Note: The reminders will not be active until a deadline is created for that particular service. We will cover this step in stage 2.
Assigning Services
Navigation: Practice Management > Settings > Services > Assign Services
It is important to assign custom/created services to your clients. You can do it on a client specific basis as well as in bulk. To complete this task, you are required to:
Check the box with the relevant service next to your client
Check the box with the relevant service just below the relevant service (for bulk assigning)
Click Save to assign these services
Congratulations you have completed stage 1 of your onboarding. If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your Onboarding Manager.