This article shows staff users how to add and edit expenses under the ‘Expenses’ area.

Expenses Overview

Navigation:  Time & Fees > Expenses

Click to redirect to the above navigation

When you first enter the ‘Expenses’ you will be met with the dashboard, where you will get an overview of:

  • Number of Expense Types

  • Total Amount (GBP)

  • Billable Amount (GBP)

  • Non-billable Amount (GBP)

Below these fields, you'll find your list of expenses. To edit an expense, click on the pencil icon that appears on the right side of the screen, which will reopen the previous screen, allowing you to make any necessary changes.

You can submit the expense for approval by clicking on the last icon that appears on the right side of the screen. Additionally, expenses can be deleted by clicking on the trash can icon.

Navigation:  Time & Fees > Expenses - Add Expense

Click to redirect to the above navigation

Add Expenses

To add a new expense, click on '+Add Expense', which will direct you to a page to document your expense by completing the following fields:

  • Expense Type - Add the expense type e.g. Postage or Water expense

  • Client - Select task type from the dropdown list

  • Task - Select task type from the dropdown list

  • User - Your name

  • Date - The date of the expense

  • Total Price - The price of the expense

  • Notes - Add any additional notes related to the expense

Furthermore, if the expense is billable, you have the option to mark it as 'billable expense'.

Export Data

To export data from the 'Expense' section, click on the three dots located on the right and choose to export to Excel, CSV, or PDF. Alternatively, select an expense record and scroll to the bottom of the screen to export to Excel, CSV, or PDF from there.

Congratulations! You can now add and track expenses that you have created. If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your Onboarding Manager.