
Navigation: Charity > Contacts > Customers

To add customers, you have two options:

  1. Select+Add Customer’ to create customers individually.

  2. Use ‘Import’ to create customers in bulk by utilising the provided template XLSX file.

For each customer, ensure you provide the following details:

  • Contact Details

  • Commercial Details

  • Membership / Subscription Details


Navigation: Charity > Contacts > Suppliers

To add suppliers, you have two options:

  1. Select+Add Supplier’ to create suppliers individually.

  2. Use ‘Import’ to create suppliers in bulk by utilising the provided template XLSX file.

For each supplier, ensure you provide the following details:

  • Contact Details

  • Commercial Details


Navigation: Charity > Contacts > Donors

To add Donors, select+Add Donors’ to create Donors individually.

For each supplier, ensure you provide the following details:

  • Contact Details

  • Membership / Subscription Details