Funds Overview
Navigation: Charity > Funds > Overview
The top of Charity Funds Overview displays:
Total B.Forward
Total Income
Total Expense
Total Transfer
Total Balance
Below this section, there are a number of graphs related to:
Fund Breakdown
Income & Expenses by fund type
Income vs Expenses
To filter the data and graphs by a specific period, click on the drop-down on top right corner and select your period:
Last 30 days
This month
This quarter
This year
Last month
Last quarter
Last year
Custom (Select date range)
Funds List
Navigation: Charity > Funds > Funds List
To add a new fund:
Select '+Add Fund’.
2. Populate the required information.
3. Select ‘Save and New’ or ‘Save and Exit’.
To view the details of a specific fund - select the fund. To edit - select the pencil icon on the right side of the screen.
Funds Transfer
Navigation: Charity > Funds > Fund Transfers
1. Select ‘+Add Fund Transfer’.
2. Populate the required information.
3. Select ‘Save and New’ or ‘Save and Exit’.
To edit an existing fund transfer - select the pencil icon. To export - select the fund transfer.