Onboarding Guide: How to get started My Admin
Welcome to our Onboarding Guide for My Admin! This guide will walk you through the essential steps and best practices to ensure a smooth setup and successful deployment.
Navigation: My Admin > Firm Details
When you start working on Capium for the first time, it's important to complete the mandatory information within the Firm Details section. This includes:
Client ID
Practice name
Email address
Phone number
Business start date
Book start date
Registration number
UTR number
VAT scheme details
Account Office Reference Number
PAYE Reference Number
Navigation: My Admin > My Firm > Agent Credentials
To add Agent Credentials, follow these steps:
Select 'Action’.
Select 'Edit'.
Populate the agent credentials.
Select ‘Save’.
For each section, ensure you provide the following details:
Agent ID
User ID
Contact Name
Company Name
Adding Clients
Navigation: My Admin > Clients
To add clients, you have two options:
Click on 'New Client' to create clients individually.
Use 'Import Clients' to create clients in bulk by utilising the provided template CSV file.
When adding clients individually, ensure you provide the following details:
Client ID
Client Type
Business Start Date
Book Start Date
Registration Number
UTR Number
VAT information
Bulk upload clients
Only for individuals and sole traders include a Date of Birth and National Insurance information.
Exclude commas in CSV file.
Ensure that there is no duplicate client ID.
Ensure that there are no line breaks.
Ensure that there is no change in headings, even if you leave some of the fields blank in the CSV file.
Ensure the Date of Birth, Business Start Date and Book Start Date are all in the right format as (dd/mm/yyyy).
Ensure that the Business Start Date is set before the Book Start Date.
Ensure that the Accounts Office Reference (13 characters) and PAYE Ref. Numbers (e.g. 123/ABCD121) contain correct lengths.
Adding Contacts
Navigation: My Admin > Contacts
To add contacts, you have two options:
Click on 'New Contact' to create contacts individually.
Use 'Import Contacts' to create contacts in bulk by utilising the provided template CSV file.
When adding contact individually, ensure you provide the following details:
Common issues preventing the contact bulk upload:
Ensure that Prefix is included.
Ensure that First Name and Last Name are included.
Ensure that Type Heading is one of the following (Other, Client, Lead, Supplier, Staff, Accountant).
Linking Clients and Contacts
Navigation: My Admin > Clients > Client Specific > Contact Links
To link clients and contacts, you have two options:
Click on ‘Add Contact Link’ to link contacts individually.
Use the ‘Bulk Contacts’ option to assign contacts in bulk.
For each manual contact link, you are required to click on the ‘Add Contact Link’ option, then select Contact Type, select relevant contact from the drop-down menu ‘Select Contact’ and save to apply the changes.
Navigation: My Admin > Users
To add users, you have two options:
Click on ‘New User’ to create users individually.
Use 'Import Users' to create users in bulk by utilising the provided template CSV file.
For each user, ensure you provide the following details:
User Type
Once it has been done, you are required to Assign company/companies and save a result.
Requesting Backup
Navigation: My Admin > Request Backup
To request backup, you are required to click on the ‘Request’ option, then provide a description, select the relevant request option between ‘Selected Clients’ and ‘All Clients’ and save to request a backup.
To add an AML option to your account, you are required to sign up with ‘Veriphy’, populating relevant information. Once it has been done and confirmed by the Veriphy Team, it will be available for you to perform AML checks.
Congratulations! You've completed the essential steps to set up you My Admin. If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your account manager.