Welcome to our Quick Guide for Self- Assessment! This guide will walk you through the essential initial steps and best practices to ensure a smooth setup and successful deployment.

The self assessment module supports three types of entities: 

  • Sole Traders and Individuals (with SA100)

  • Partnerships (SA800) 

  • Trusts (SA900)

Editing Templates in the Self Assessment Module

Navigation: Self Assessment > General Settings

Under the General Setting of Self Assessment, you have the ability to edit and customise:

  • Email Templates 

  • Document Templates 

  • Logo on Reports

Creating an SA100 Return (for Individuals and Self Assessment)

Under the SA100 Tab, you will be able to select a client from the list. There is also the option to search a client using the search box displayed on the screen. 

Once a client has been selected, the following screen will appear when you click on the client name. 

To create a new SA100 return, click on the green ‘+SA100’ button on the right, as shown in the screenshot above. Once you click on this button the following button will appear. 

When adding a self assessment, you can customise a number of fields. Import this data 

Completing the SA100 form

On this page you will be able to edit the main form, in addition to this  supplementary forms can be added for specific scenarios within the supplementary page section, you can click on the ‘+Supplementary Form’ button to add more pages. 

From the add supplementary page section, you are able to choose from the following options. 

Once these pages have been selected here, you can close and navigate to ‘Supplementary Pages’ section. 

Here you will be able to select the supplementary pages to fill in any relevant information.

Using HMRC connect

HMRC connect enables you to fetch employment, and non-employment information directly from HMRC website and auto-populates employment forms. 

Navigation: Self Assessment > HMRC Agent Authorisation

When you click on the HMRC Agent Authentication button, it will redirect you to the HMRC website where you have to fill in your agent credentials along with any other information like Driving License Number or Passport Number to prove your identity. 

Note: that this connection needs to be re-established if you add any clients to your agent services account. 

Once this connection has been established, you will be able to fetch information on the following two pages. 

Creating an SA800 Return (for Partnerships)

Navigation: Self Assessment > SA800

Under the SA800 Tab, you will be able to select a client from the list. There is also the option to search a client using the search box displayed on the screen. 

Once a client has been selected, the following screen will appear when you click on the client name. 

To create a new SA800 return, click on the green ‘+SA800’ button on the right, as shown in the screenshot above. Once you click on this button the following button will appear. 

When adding a self assessment, you can customise a number of fields. Once the relevant fields are selected please click on ‘Create New SA800’ button. 

After this a new SA800 form will appear which can be opened by clicking on Action > Edit. This action is shown on the screen below. 

Completing the SA800 form

On this page you will be able to edit the main form, in addition to this  supplementary forms can be added for specific scenarios within the supplementary page section, you can click on the ‘Add Page’ button to add more pages. 

From the add supplementary page section, you are able to choose from the following options. 

Once these pages have been added you will see tabs being added next to main form 

You can also add the partners for any partnerships under the Settings > Partners

When adding a partner, please note that based on their UTR number, the profits from their share within the partnership can be carried across to their SA100. 

Completing the SA900 form

Navigation: Self Assessment > SA900

Under the SA900 Tab, you will be able to select a client from the list. There is also the option to search a client using the search box displayed on the screen. 

Once a client has been selected, the following screen will appear when you click on the client name. Each type of trust has different pages and declarations. 

Navigation: Self Assessment > Dashboard > Action> Submit to HMRC.


  • Once finalised, you can submit your Self assessment return directly to HMRC by navigating to the dashboard, and under the action drop down clicking submit to HMRC.

  • There will be a pre validation check before submitting where the system will flag any potential issues that need to be resolved. 

  • The pre validation check is based on a traffic light system:

                      Red: The requirement needs to be resolved before submission

Amber: This is a proceed with caution, so please double check the message and ensure the requirement is correct.

Congratulations! You've completed the essential steps to set up your Self Assessment module. If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.