Welcome to our Quick Guide for My Admin! This guide will walk you through essential initial steps and best practices to ensure a smooth setup and successful deployment.
Navigation: My Admin > Firm Details
When you start working on Capium for the first time, it's important to complete the mandatory information within the Firm Details section. This includes:
Client ID
Practice name
Email address
Phone number
Business start date
Book start date
Registration number
UTR number
VAT scheme details
Account Office Reference Number
PAYE Reference Number
Navigation: My Admin > My Firm > Agent Credentials
To add Agent Credentials, follow these steps:
Select 'Action’.
Select 'Edit'.
Populate the agent credentials.
Select ‘Save’.
For each section, ensure you provide the following details:
Agent ID
User ID
Contact Name
Company Name
Adding Clients
Navigation: My Admin > Clients
To add clients, you have two options:
Select 'New Client' to create clients individually.
Select 'Import Clients' to create clients in bulk using the provided CSV template.
For each client, ensure you provide the following details:
Client ID
Client Type
Business Start Date
Book Start Date
Registration Number
UTR Number
VAT scheme details
Account Office Reference Number
PAYE Reference Number
Navigation: My Admin > Contacts
To add contacts, you have two options:
Click on 'New Contact' to create contacts individually.
Use 'Import Contacts' to create contacts in bulk using the provided CSV template.
For each contact, ensure you provide the following details:
Linking Clients and Contacts
Navigation: My Admin > Clients > Client Specific > Contact Links
To link clients and contacts, you have two options:
Select ‘Add Contact Link’ to link contacts individually.
Select ‘Bulk Contacts’ to assign contacts in bulk.
For each manual contact link, follow these steps:
Select ‘Add Contact Link’ option.
Select Contact Type.
Choose the relevant contact from the drop-down menu ‘Select Contact.’
Select ‘Save’.
Shareholder Linking
Navigation: My Admin > Clients > Client Specific > Contact Links
To link clients (Ltds, LLPs, and Partnerships) and directors/shareholders, you have three options:
Click on ‘Add Contact Link’ to link contacts individually.
Use the ‘Bulk Contacts’ option to assign contacts in bulk.
Companies House synchronisation.
For each manual contact link, follow these steps:
Select ‘Add Contact Link’ option.
Select Contact Type.
Choose the relevant contact from the drop-down menu ‘Select Contact.’
Select ‘Save’.
Navigation: My Admin > Clients > New Client > Client Name
For Companies House synchronisation:
Select the magnifying glass by the ‘Name’ field.
Use the search bar to search for a client name or Companies House registration number.
Select the appropriate client from the populated list.
Adding Users
Navigation: My Admin > Users
User types: ‘Super Accountant’, ‘Accountant’, ‘Staff’, and ‘Client’
Super Accountant: Access to all data and permission control.
Accountant: Access to all modules, with Super Accountant's client access restrictions.
Staff: Limited module and client access, controlled by Super Accountant.
Client: Access to the Payroll and Bookkeeping modules for their company.
To add users, you have two options:
Click on ‘New User’ to create users individually.
Use 'Import Users' to create users in bulk using the provided CSV template.
For each user, ensure you provide the following details:
User Type
Once the information is populated, you can assign company/companies and module permissions.
Requesting Backup
Navigation: My Admin > Request Backup
To request a backup:
Select ‘Request’ option.
Provide a description.
Select the relevant request option: ‘Selected Clients’ or ‘All Clients.’
Select ‘Save’.
AML Option
To add AML option to your account:
Sign up with ‘Veriphy’ and populate the relevant information.
Once confirmed by the Veriphy Team, you will be able to do AML checks.