Capium's Charity module is designed in such a way that it supports both bookkeeping and preparation of annual accounts under an accrual basis and cash basis for an Unincorporated Charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales.

Charity Bookkeeping Key Features

  1. Batching option for donations, invoices, and bills
  2. Bank dashboard with Cash coding option
  3. Accounting for donations in kind
  4. Gift aid claims
  5. Fund transfers
  6. Funds wise summary report
  7. Fixed asset register with auto calculation of depreciation
  8. VAT MTD submissions
  9. Customised reports for management purposes

Charity Annual Accounts Key Features

Preparation of annual accounts under an accrual base such as Statements of Financial Activities, Balance sheets, and Notes to the accounts with fund-wise segregation as prescribed by the Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) and Charities Act 2011 and guidelines given by the Charity Commission.

Preparation of annual accounts on a cash basis such as Receipts and Payments Account, Statements of Assets and Liabilities, and Notes to the accounts with fund-wise segregation in accordance with the requirements of the Charities Act 2011 and guidelines given by the Charity Commission.

The ability for customised notes to the accounts.

The ability to import Trial balance for preparation of annual accounts as stated above.

The ability to import Trustees' reports and Independent Examiners' reports which can be to be merged with annual accounts within Capium. 

Provides the option to download the annual report in PDF format which can be submitted to the Charity Commission.