If you're making an a submission to Companies House via Capium's Accounts Production module and you come up with the error code 9999.

The two reasons are shown below:

1. 9999 - Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence. - Server load.

This means the accounts have submitted to Companies House, however they have yet to be accepted as CH are experiencing high volume of traffic. Please check and try again later.

Once we've received a response from Companies House, this will be shown in Capium.

2. 9999 - The 'schemaRef' element refers to a document at 'http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/schemas/ct/combined/2021-01-01/dpl-2021-frs-102-2021-v1.0.0.xsd' that could not be obtained.

You've  prepared full accounts, however for this client you can only submit filled and/or abridged accounts.

If you require further assistence please riase a ticket and we can investigate it futher