Location: Go into a client, Tasks > CT600 return > Create new CT600 or go to existing one (under the action dropdown menu: 'Edit return')


To carry forward losses in Capium and offset them against current year's trading profits. 

1st step: How to bring forward a loss

Quick entry tab >>>Trading professional profits calculator (bring forward losses), you will see trading losses summary in the bottom right. Please click on the calculator icon to open. 

Add 2 tags- Trading losses brought forward- arising on or after 1st April 

                    Trading loss brought forward arising before 1st April

(See image below, for an example)

Next, please add the loss figures into the relavent 'amount' column that you want to bring forward and then click save.

2nd step: Offset losses with the current year trading profit

Next, please go to the losses & deficits calculator, you should see that the losses should now be added to the brought forward column. Then you can allocate the difference between the arising loss before 2017 in the top column and after 2017 in the bottom column.

In box 160, if there are trading profits in the current period  you can put the arising before April 2017 figure. This would be to offset against the loss against current year trading profit up to the cap.

The remaining losses arising on or after 1st April 2017, can be updated in box 285.

Alternatively, please click below to watch how to carry foward losses in Capium & offset against current year's trading profits.