HMRC has created a new Application User Interface (API) to send relevant information to end users. This is their first step toward Making Tax Digital (MTD). 

You will be able to pull income from employment, as reported to HMRC by their employers through the PAYE process

Overview of the feature

As discussed in the above video, there are three steps for bringing your client's data into the SA100 Forms. 

Step 1 - HMRC Authorisation

Navigation: Self Assessment >> Select a client >> Self Assessment Authorisation 

Step 2 - HMRC Connect

Navigation: Self Assessment >> Select a client >> Edit SA100 >> HMRC Connect

Please note that the information imported from HMRC is from earlier submissions made for the clients. Please ensure that you check the accuracy of this information prior to creating the employment forms with this data.  

Please be aware that this API fetches information directly from HMRC:

This data is only available for taxpayers who are registered for Self Assessment.

The majority of data will only be available once PAYE reconciliation has been completed. This is the process that determines whether the individual has paid the right amount of tax and, for PAYE-only taxpayers, results in a P800 in the event of overpayment or underpayment.

Reconciliation starts on or around 6 June and runs for around one million individuals per working night. It has usually completed by the end of November. Unfortunately it is not possible to know when reconciliation will be complete for a specific individual. 

This API required to the accountants to re-establish the connection if they have added any new self assessment clients to their HMRC Agent services accounts. This can be seen in the following screen. 

If your 'agent authorisation' button is in the blue state as shown below, it means that you are required to re-authenticate in order to fetch the information. Please follow the steps in this article to re-establish the connection.