Welcome to our Onboarding Guide for Payroll! This guide will walk you through the essential steps and best practices to ensure a smooth setup and successful deployment.

General Settings

Navigation: Payroll > General Settings > Default Settings

When working in the Payroll module for the first time, it’s important to edit the Default Settings within the General Settings section. This includes:

  • Default Rows

  • Default Tab

  • Default Month

  • Default Pay Frequency

To enable document password protection, you can select ‘Enable document password protection’.

Navigation: Payroll > General Settings > Email Templates

It’s important to edit the Email Templates within the General Settings section. This includes:

  • Client

  • Payslips

  • Reports

  • Reminder

  • Pension

  • Additional Forms

  • P11D

Note: To add ‘Capium Tags’ into the content of the email template, you must double-click the tag you wish to add from the tag list.

Navigation: Payroll > General Settings > Logo On Reports

To include the company logo on all the reports for the Payroll module, you can select ‘Enable Report Logo’.

Client-Specific General Settings

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > General Settings

When working with a client for the first time in the Payroll module, it's important to complete the mandatory information within the General Settings section. This includes:

  • PAYE Details

  • Contact Details - The details of the main contact for the client

  • HMRC Credentials - The agent credentials which will be used to make submissions

  • Payslip Template - The default payslip template

  • Pay Rate - The pay rates for the client 

  • Data Security - Master password to password protect payslips and reports

To enable Employment Allowance Claim for the specific client, you can select ‘Employment Allowance Claim’ in the PAYE Details section.

To enable Payroll synchronisation with Bookkeeping, you can select ‘Synchronise data with Bookkeeping’ in the PAYE Details section.

Adding Employees

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Manage Payroll > Employees

To add employees, you have two options:

  1. Click on '+Add Employee' to create employees individually.

  2. Use 'Import Employees' to create employees in bulk by utilising the provided template CSV file.

For each employee, ensure you provide the following details:

  • Personal Details

  • Starter Details

  • Payroll Details

  • NI & Tax

  • Payment Details

  • Pension Details

Uploading Employee YTD

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Manage Payroll > Employees

To upload Year-to-Date (YTD) information for employees, follow these steps:

  1. Go to 'Employee YTD' within the Manage Payroll section.

  2. Choose an employee from the dropdown list.

  3. Click '+Import YTD' to upload YTD data in bulk via the provided CSV template.

Setting Up Pensions

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Auto Enrolment

For pension setup:

  1. In the Pension Details section, input the 'Staging Date' or 'Re-enrolment Date.'

  2. In the Pension Schemes section, add a scheme by selecting 'Add Scheme.' Enter scheme and pension information.

Pension Contributions

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Auto Enrolment

To make a direct submission to Smart Pension or Nest:

  1. In the Pension Schemes section, select ‘Contribution’.

  2. Ensure the ‘Pay Frequency’, ‘Period’, ‘Payment Due Date’, ‘Payment Source’, ‘Earning Period End Date’, ‘Nest Payment Frequency’ and ‘Year’ are correct.

  3. Select ‘Direct Send’.

Alternatively, you can upload the pension contribution file on the pension provider website by selecting ‘Download File’.

Note: The direct submission feature is only available for Smart Pension and Nest.

Additional Information, Leaves & Holidays, and Timekeeping

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Manage Payroll > Additional

In the Additional section, you can fine-tune payroll details, including:

  • Employee Leave

  • Additions and Deductions

  • Attachment of Earnings

  • Mileage Claims

  • Expense Claims

Use the dropdown menu (where applicable) and select '+Add …' to input relevant data.

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Manage Payroll > Leaves & Holidays

For Leaves & Holidays:

  1. Navigate to ‘Leaves & Holidays’.

  2. Select 'Add Leave' to input Annual Leave, Statutory Leave, and Bank Holidays.

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Manage Payroll > Timekeeping

In the Timekeeping section:

  1. Input time records for hourly-paid employees.

  2. Ensure filters correctly identify the employee before adding time records.

  3. To add records:

    • Click '+Add Time Record' for individual entries.

    • Use 'Import Time Record' for bulk entries via the provided CSV template.

Note: 0.30 hours equals 0.50 hours.

Running Payroll

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Process Payroll

When all payroll information is updated:

  1. Approve payroll by selecting employees and clicking 'Approve.'

  2. Use the calculator for final adjustments to Gross Pay.

  3. To run payroll, click 'Run Payroll' in the Payroll section.

RTI Submission

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Submission > FPS & EPS

After processing and running payroll:

For Full Payment Submission (FPS):

  1. Click '+Add Submission' in the FPS section.

  2. Select employees for the submission.

  3. Validate data for potential errors.

  4. Validate HMRC Credentials.

For Employer Payment Submission (EPS):

  1. Click '+Add Submission' in the EPS section.

  2. Fill in required information.

  3. Select 'HMRC Submit' upon completion.

Amended FPS Submission

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Submission > YEA-FPS

To make a year end amendment to an FPS:

  1. Navigate to YEA-FPS

  2. Select ‘+Submit YEA-FPS’.

  3. Choose an employee from the dropdown list.

  4. Amend the information.

  5. Select ‘HMRC Submit’ upon completion.

Bulk Payslips

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Manage Payroll > Payslips

To email the Payslips to the employees in bulk:

  1. Select the employees.

  2. Select ‘Email’.

  3. Select ‘Send’.

To email the Payslips to the employer in bulk:

  1. Select Bulk Payslip.

  2. Select Type as ‘Employer’.

  3. Ensure the ‘Pay Frequency’, ‘Year’, ‘From’ and ‘To’ are correct.

  4. Select the employees from the list.

  5. Select ‘Email’.

  6. Select ‘Send’.


Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > P11D > P11D Form

To create a P11D:

  1. Select '+Create New Return.'

  2. Set up return details.

  3. Enter P11D information in the Quick Entry Data menu.

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > P11D > Submit > P11D

To submit P11D:

  1. Click 'Submit P11D' to generate the form.

  2. Complete submission to HMRC.

Bulk Payroll

Navigation: Payroll > Bulk Payroll > Automation Settings

For automated Payroll and FPS submission:

  1. Click '+Client' and assign a client.

  2. Manage Schedule:

    • Set Payroll Run Date - When Capium will process the Payroll

    • Set Submission Date - When the FPS will be submitted to HMRC

    • Set Pay Date - When the employees will be paid

    • Notify to (All Processes) - Who you want to notify when the Payroll has been run

    • Notify to (After Submission).

To enable the payslips to be sent to the employees, you can select ‘Employee (Payslips)’ in the ‘Notify to (After Submission) section.

To enable Payroll synchronisation with Bookkeeping, you can select ‘Synchronise data with Bookkeeping’ in the ‘Notify to (After Submission) section.

Payroll Journals Export

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Payroll Journals > Journals

To export the Payroll Journals to a third party software:

  1. Select the Payroll Journals you want to export.

  2. Select ‘+Export Journals’.

  3. Select the mode of export.

  4. Select ‘Export’.

  5. Enter credentials for the third party software.

Auto Tax Code

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Manage Payroll > Auto Tax Code

To connect Capium to HMRC to pick up any changes made to the tax code:

  1. Select ‘Get Tax Code(s)’.

  2. Enter HMRC PAYE credentials.

  3. Select ‘Update Tax Code’.

  4. Select the employees whose record you want to update.

  5. Select ‘Apply’.

Payroll Report

Navigation: Payroll > Client Specific > Reports

The following Reports can be generated within the Payroll module:

  • PAYE Calculator

  • Payroll Summary

  • Periodic Tax and NI

  • YTD Details

  • Additional Reports (Additions and Deductions, Attachment of Earning, Mileage Claims and Expense Claims)

  • Additional Forms (P45 and P60)

  • Departmental Report

Related Articles

Click here to go to the FAQ page

How to Amend a Payroll Process

How to perform a bulk import of employee hours 

Document/Report password protection 

Congratulations! You've completed the essential steps to set up your Payroll module. If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your account manager.