In this article you'll find some of the most common errors when bulk uploading the client information in My Admin. 


When adding your client information to the template file provided, please refer to the 'available fields' section to better understand the template. 


My Admin > My Firm > Clients > Import clients 

Help Guide:

Common formatting issues:

- When adding any number onto the template that begins with a 0, ensure the column has been formatted so that it will acknowledge the digit. This error usually occurs when entering the information for the following columns: phone number, comp registration number, UTR number and VAT registration  number 

- Make sure each field is formatted to have the correct number of figures, for example:

Phone number - 11 digits 

Account Office Ref Number - 13 digits 

PAYE Ref No. - 123/4567890 

- When adding information into the template, please ensure there is no extra space before or after a word. 

-Please ensure no information includes a comma.

For example Flat 1, Yorkshire Lane. Should be formatted as Flat 1 Yorkshire Lane.

Click here to watch how to format the CSV Client Import file 

General points to look out for:

- Ensure the mandatory fields have been updated:
Client ID, Client Type, Company Name

- Make sure each client has a unique Client ID

- In order for the system to pick up the client type, you must ensure they've been entered exactly as stated in 'available fields':

Limited, Sole Trader, Individual, Partnership, LLP

-If no information for a limited company is added into the VAT Type. this will auto assume the client uses the Accrual Based scheme. Please select between the following 

Accrual Based,
Non-VAT Registered,
Flat Rate Accrual Based,

Cash Based Normal Scheme,
Flat Rate Cash Based  

Clarification points:

Book start date / Business start date - Usually both of these will be the same. These will be different for cases when a client has started a business but hasn't started trading