
Payroll > Select a Client > Reports > Departmental Report


1. Enable Departments

2. Add Department

3. Assign Employees to Department

4. Produce Reports/Payslips with Department details

Enable Department: 

Before adding any Departments, you first need to enable this functionality. To do this, head to Settings > General Settings > PAYE Details > Edit

Add Department: 

The first thing you will need to do is to create any and all relevant departments for that Employer. Do so using the blue 'Add Department' button on the top-right hand of the page. Here, you must enter a Department Name but can choose to enter a reference for that department as well as any notes should you wish.

How to assign Employees to Departments
Once you have created the Departments, navigate to Manage Payroll > Employees, use the Action drop-down menu and select Edit. You will then be greeted with the Employee Details interface and on the first page of that interface, use the Departments drop-down menu to assign that particular employee to any of the Departments already created.

Department Analysis: 

Once you've added the department(s) you will be able to generate 3 types of reports as long as you have processed Payroll for Employees within those departments. The reports include:

Summarised Detailed

(Employee-wise Segregated Report)

*Note* You will need to process the Payroll after creating the Departments in order to generate Departmental Analysis reports