This article will cover how you can create and submit the SA800 to HMRC

Video Tutorial:

Click here to watch a walkthrough of Self Assessment (SA800)

Help Guide:

Creating the SA800 return 

Navigate to the SA800 tab in the main dashboard and then select the partnership.

Before creating the partnership return, it is important to create the partners and allocate the shares between them. 

To do this, once in the client profile, use the navigation panel to go into Settings >> Partners.

You will then be able to add the partners or edit the share % using the action section.

Going back into the client dashboard, you will be able to create a new SA800 by clicking on '+SA800'

Editing the Tax Return 

You can edit any of the information by simply clicking on any of the headings. 

This will take you to the relevant section that will allow you to fill in the details.

Going into the Partners' Shares tab will allow you to update the profit allocation between the two individuals.

You can add supplementary pages by clicking on the 'Add Page' dropdown box and selecting the page that needs to be added. 

You can add information by simply clicking on the heading of the page.

Submitting the return

To Submit the SA800 to HMRC, go back into the client dashboard. 

Using the action section, you will then be able to click on 'Submit to HMRC'.