Location: Practice Management module > Workspace > Tasks 

There are two forms of Tasks in Practice Management; 

1. Ad-Hoc Tasks

2. Deadlines associated Tasks 

Ad-Hoc Tasks - are standalone tasks which can be created as a one-off, for any practice provisions. To setup an ad-hoc task, head to Workspace > Tasks and click 'Add Ad-Hoc Task'. Navigate through the options as shown below. 

The 'show more' option provides a more detailed setup interface with additional options such as Start and Due dates of the task, the option to assign the task to staff members as well as the ability to setup steps for that task.

  • You can view your Tasks in 3 different views - List View, Kanban View, Calendar View
  • You can filter tasks list by their status - Not started, In Progress, Completed, Overdue

Deadlines associated Tasks - are tasks created based on a particular deadline. Deadline associated tasks are automatically marked as completed once the deadline has been submitted.

To set up a Deadline Associated Task, head to Workspace >> Deadlines and add a new deadline. Fill out the required fields and any additional information then tick the 'Add to Tasks' checkbox.

Upon creating the Deadline, the Task will also be created. 

When clicking the hyperlink to enter into a task the following screen will appear

Client Details

-Shows the client name

-Who the task was created by

-Whom the task is assigned to, and the option to assign to another user


-Shows the creation, due and last activity dates on the task


Shows the task description set when creating a task


Shows notes and emails associated with the task


Files can be uploaded to share with either the client or team members associated with the task

Record Time

Direct recorded time can be associated with this task

Scrolling down the page you will find the progress checklist: this allows you and the team to check off tasks as you complete them

Find out more about setting up checklists in services here