Location: Accounts Production module > Reports > Annual Reports
These are the financial statements of the company which are the basis for reporting. This report is for submission to HMRC and Companies House. This section is about the preparation of Annual Report.
To create a report trial Balance is to be imported or created which acts as the base for generating Financial Statements.
Trial Balance is imported from the ‘Tasks’ section and then you need to follow the procedure as discussed in ‘Tasks’ section to import Trial Balance.
Then click on ‘+ Add New Report’. A new box appears for filling the basic credentials to create a report.
Adding New Report Section Details;
Ref. No. is generated by default and can be changed. By default, Prefix is ‘AA’ and numbered in sequence automatically.
The name to be given to the report (if any) can be given in description which will be displayed on the top of the report.
Report type is to be selected from drop down box as:
Annual Full Accounts: This type of Annual Report is used as an additional document (not mandatory) to be submitted with CT600 form in ‘CORPORATION TAX’ module of the software which is submitted to HMRC. It contains the complete details of Financial Statements (both Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account).
Annual Abbreviated Accounts: This type of Annual Report is submitted to Companies House. The contents of this report are similar to the Annual Full Accounts Report except that only Balance Sheet will form part of the report not Profit and Loss Account.
Trial Balance so imported will have to be selected. If previous year’s figures are to be shown, then put a tick on the checkbox of ‘Show Comparative Figures’ and select the Trial Balance whose figures are to be compared with current Trial balance.
Enter the Director and Accountant sign date for the report which will be shown in the report that will be generated.
Click on generate after mentioning all the fields. This will generate the report and preview of the report will appear on the screen.
After generating the preview report is to be saved by clicking on ‘Save Report’ tab. The report so saved will be added to the list of reports on the main page of this section.
You may change the options related to reports by clicking on the top right corner of the page.
Click here to watch how to hide / remove accountant report
Click here to watch how to add director's emoluments in accounts reports
Click here to watch how to add / remove a component from annual reports