
Payroll module > Client specific > Manage Payroll

Under manage payroll you will find the following:


Payroll module > Client specific > Manage Payroll > Employees

In this Sub-Menu can view details regarding the Employees such as Payroll ID, Employee Name, Payroll Due Period, Directorship Status, Tax Code & Basis, Gross Pay (If paid on Gross Pay basis), and NI Category.

You may also view the Payroll Details for each Employee by simply clicking on the Employee Name hyperlink available in the third column of the Table.

You may use the Functionalities such as Add Employee, Employee YTD, Import Employee, Export to perform particular Action.

Click on the employees' names to view the employee details. You can also take an action by clicking on the action dropdown where you can Edit the info, Tax info, pay rates and Delete an employee.
Watch the Video to know more about Employees section 


Payroll module > Client Specific > Manage Payroll > Departments

In the Sub-menu you will find a list of all departments once added and to add click the button as shown below.

Once the departments have been added, you can assign employees to them by going to Employees > Edit and assign the employee to a department.


Payroll module > Client specific > Manage Payroll > Additional

It allows you to input additional Pay information using the Five Tabs named as:

  • Employee Leave
  • Additions and Deductions
  • Attachment of Earning
  • Mileage Claims
  • Expense Claims

Watch the video for Additional Tab overview

Employee Leave:

It contains details regarding the Statutory Leaves of Employees. You may choose a desired ‘Leave Type’ using the dropdown there.

Click on the employees' names to view the employee details. You can also take an action by clicking on the action dropdown where you can Edit the info, Tax info, pay rates and Delete an employee.

Once you click on “Add Leave” Button, a Pop-Up would open where you can enter the required details based on which calculation would be done automatically by the system.

Note: In the same manner other leave types can also be added.

Additions and Deductions

This tab gives you an option to go with any nature of Addition or Deduction for a particular employee. It can be done by selecting the type whether Addition or Deduction.

By clicking on the Add record button provided on the Upper right-hand corner of the Page, a Dialogue Box will appear as shown below:

Watch the video to know more about Additions and Deduction

Attachment of Earning

The Attachment of Earning means you have to pay back the money which you owe either in instalments or in full by a certain date. If you’re working, your creditor might try to get a court order that takes money from your wages and pays it directly to them. This is called an attachment of earnings order.

Once you click on the Add Record button a Pop-Up will appear, you may add the desired details as per your requirement and click on save to add the details.

Watch the video to know more about Attachment of Earnings

Mileage Claims

This tab maintains Data related to Mileage claims. You may add a new Claim by clicking on the Add Mileage Claim button provided on the Upper right corner of the window. A claim once added can be Edited or Deleted using Action Drop down.

Once you click on the Add Record button a Pop-Up will appear, you may add the desired details as per your requirement and click on save to add the details.

Watch the video to know more about Attachment of Earnings 

Expense Claims

This tab maintains Data related to Expense claims. You may add a new Claim by clicking on the Add Expense Claim button provided on the Upper right corner of the window. A claim once added can be Edited or Deleted using Action Dropdown.

Under this Pop-up, you select the Employee name and Account from the drop-down. You can Add VAT as per your description.


Manage payroll > Timekeeping 

You will be able to enter the time records by clicking on '+Add Time Record'

To bulk import the time record, click on 'Import Time Record' and use the CSV template to enter the information. 

Process Payroll:

Based on the information entered in the manage payroll the system will automatically calculate the gross payroll. To edit any of the information click on the calculator icon. 

To process simply select the employee and click on 'Approve' 

To change the calculation to Net to Gross click on the 'Select' button and change as needed.


You can send payslips by going into manage payroll > Payslips

Select the employee and then select the method of sending the payslip 

Helpful Videos:

Watch the video to know more about expense claims

Click here to watch how to add mileage claim

Click here to watch a guide on attachment of earnings, mileage & expense claims

Click here to watch how to add sick leave and SMP

Click here to watch how to change pay dates

Click here to watch how to change a director's national insurance (NI) calculations to monthly

Click here how to change the tax code for an employee