Navigation - Bookkeeping >> Select Client >> Sales >> Invoices >> Import 

Refer to the link


This guide will provide you with the step-by-step process for importing Invoices. Navigate to the Sales section within Bookkeeping by following the navigation above or click the link to take you straight there (you need to be logged in to your account)

Once there, click the green Import button as displayed below and you will be redirected to the Sales Import page.

Once you click on 'Import' you will be directed to the Sales Invoices import screen - there you will need to follow the guidance provided on the left panel of the page;

1. Download the CSV template provided

2. Populate the file with your client data

3. Upload the file back into Capium

Also take note of the 'Available Fields' section on the bottom of the page as that will provide clear guidance as to what data is mandatory and what isn't when importing your clients.

After uploading the CSV template back into the platform, you will be presented with the data in a tabular format, press 'Continue' to finalise the import.

Click here to watch How to Import Sales Invoices